Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Leaving The Past Behind

Today I let go of my life coaching web site, InnerSanctuaryLifeCoaching.com. I deleted it from the Internet. I also let go of all of my FasterEFT Facebook groups. I am no longer doing live life coaching via Skype. I am no longer doing FasterEFT. So it was time. And I had to let go in order to move on.

I put a lot of time, effort, and money into these endeavors. It was particularly hard to leave the FasterEFT Facebook communities; I earned the certifications necessary to be there. I spent time building my relationships and helping in these communities. So it is a loss.

However, most of the people I truly know and care about are already Facebook friends with me, so I will not "lose" them. And I had already moved away from FasterEFT. I loved learning to use this method and practicing it; however, as FasterEFT has grown it has changed and so have I, but in a vastly different direction. I look at the organization now and see that the fit is not good for me, nor would it be good in the future. So.

What is left is space here on this blog to create something new.
